Saturday, July 6, 2013

Still Trying

 This is #10, a bench that is outside.  It's actually in my backyard garden.
 This is #13, a fence, also in my backyard, and scheduled to be replaced shortly
 This is #6, someone/something taking a nap.  My cat, Misty, napping among the pillows on my bed.
 This is #17, candles, in a candleabra in a niche in my house
 This is #3, it's a former courthouse in Denton, Texas, now serves as a museum.  It's really awesome
 This is #15, a police car in my town of Frisco, Texas
 This is #18, a local pub, though not very impressive
This is #7, a sign that is unintentionally funny.  A savings of .01 cent is hilarious
This is #20 substitute, a sundial.  Couldn't find a dinosaur.  The sundial says on it "Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be", and we brought it from our garden in California to our new garden in Texas

1 comment:

  1. Great start! And really, advertising a 1 cent saving? What were they thinking???
