Friday, September 20, 2013

So today I posted my last photo.  Got all of them for the Scavenger Hunt and had a fun time doing it.  I appreciate the opportunity to participate, and look forward to joining again next year.  Hope everyone who did this had as much fun as I did.

Best wishes for a great Fall and Winter season to all of you!

Sandy Rollins
Frisco, Texas


  1. I'm glad you had fun. I just put up the final check-in. Why don't you add your link and a comment there and hopefully some of the others will pop off and see all your wonderful photos.

  2. Great job getting all 21! I took a peek at all your entries and loved the various towers you captured and the former Denton town hall.

  3. These are all terrific, but my favourite is the first one of you, paint brush in hand, at the canvas totally engrossed! Andy:)

  4. You have some nice photos. I love what you've painted.

  5. What a stunning butterfly, and your signs made me laugh out loud - but hey, one cent off, you know what they say, look after the pennies and the pounds/dollars will look after themselves! Lovely to have popped by, thank you.

  6. Love the blue butterfly. Don't know if we have that variety over here in UK! Yes, I could see the airplane taking off in the shape of the clouds. I found that one hard to get too. You just think the clouds don't move very fast, spot a possible one, and before you've got your camera ready, lo and behold, it's gone! Anyhow, well done, see you next year? Kind regards, John W #17.

  7. Congrats on finding all the Hunt items.
    I was fun wasn't it :)

  8. I love your sepia windmill.....and your self portrait is great.

  9. Lovely photos. Really like the one of you painting.

  10. Lovely photos. Really like the one of you painting.
